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A 欧文 A-a
1. Shimamura M, Kurashige T, Kuatov R, Nagayama Y: Acceleration of BRAFV600E- mediated thyroid carcinogenesis by TGFβ signal deficiency. Endocrine 69(3): 571-577, 2020 doi: 10.1007/s12020-020-02298-1. Epub 2020 Apr 12. (IF: 3.633)

2.Mussazhanova Z, Shimamura M (equal contribution), Kurashige T, Ito M, Nakashima M, Nagayama Y: Causative role for defective expression of mitochondria-eating protein in accumulation of mitochondria in thyroid oncocytic cell tumors. Cancer Sci 111(8): 2014-2823, 2020 doi: 10.1111/cas.14501. Epub 2020 Jun 30. (IF: 6.716)

3.Davies TF, Andersen S, Latif R, Nagayama Y, Barbesino G, Brito M, Eckstein AK, Green AS, Kahaly GJ: Graves ' disease. Nat Rev Dis Primers 6(1): 52 2020 doi: 10.1038/s41572-020-0184-y. (IF: 52.329)

4.Nagayama Y: Commentary: Excessive iodine promotes pyroptosis of thyroid follicular epithelial cells in Hashimoto's thyroiditis through the ROS-NF-κB-NLRP3 pathway. Front Endocrinol - Thyroid Endocrinology 11: 581 2020 doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.00581. eCollection 2020. (IF: 5.555)

5.Kurashige T, Shimamura M, Nagayama Y: Re-evaluation of the effect of iodine on thyroid cell survival and function with PCCL3 and Nthy-ori 3-1 cells. J Endocr Soc 4(11): bvaa146 2020 doi: 10.1210/jendso/bvaa146. eCollection 2020 Nov 1.

6.Kurashige T, Nakajima Y, Shimamura M, Yamada M, Nagayama Y: Hormonal regulation of autophagy in thyroid PCCL3 cells and the thyroids of male mice. J Endocr Soc 4(7): bvaa054 2020 doi: 10.1210/jendso/bvaa054. eCollection 2020 Jul 1.

7. Kakomi S, Nakayama T, Shang Y, Tsuruoka C, Sunaoshi M, Morioka T, Shimada Y, Kakinuma S, Tachibana A: The effects of short-term calorie restriction on mutations in the spleen cells of infant-irradiated mice. J Radiat Res. 61(2): 187- 196, 2020 doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrz078.. (IF: 2.724)

8.Yamada K, Yamaguchi I, Urata H,Hayashida N: Survey of awareness of radiation disasters among firefighters in a Japanese prefecture without nuclear power plants. PLos One 15(7): e0236640 2020 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236640. (IF: 3.24)

B 邦文 B-b
1.永山 雄二: 「シリーズ[ちょっとした疑問]」ニュートラル型のTSH受容体抗体とは?」へのコメント. 日本甲状 腺学会雑誌 11(2): 4-10, 2020

2.永山 雄二: 刺激型及び阻害型抗TSH受容体抗体. 日本甲状腺学会雑誌 11(2): 43, 2020

3. 永富麻悟、山口拓允、新川哲子、浦田秀子、井手貴浩、大石景子、佐藤奈菜、折田真紀子、高村昇: 長崎県内に おける200床以上500床未満の中規模病院に勤務する看護師の放射線に対する知識の実態調査. 日本放射線看護学会誌8(2):91-99,2020

A 欧文 A-a
1. Kurashige T, Nakajima Y, Shimamura M, Matsuyama M, Yamada M, Nakashima M, Nagayama Y: Basal autophagy deficiency causes thyroid follicular epithelial cell death in mice. Endocrinology. 160 (9): 2085?2092, 2019. (IF:3.8)

2. Nagayama Y, Mishima H: Heterogenous nature of gene expression patterns in BRAF-like, classical papillary thyroid carcinomas with BRAFV600E. Endocrine. 66 (3): 607-613, 2019. (IF:3.296)

3. Yamada Y, Orita M, Shinkawa T, Urata H, Kondo H, Takamura N: Nurses’ interest in nuclear disaster medicine future capacity building. Journal of Radiation Research. 60 (3): 333-334,2019 (IF:2.014)

4. Nagatorni N,Yamaguchi Y,Shinkawa T,Taira Y,Urata H,Orita M,Takamura N: Radiation education for nurses working at middle-sized hospitals in Japan.Journal of Radiation Research.60 (5): 717-718, 2019. (IF:2.014)

B 邦文
1. 山口拓允,新川哲子,吉田二,浦田秀子,井手貴浩,大石景子,佐藤奈菜,永冨麻悟,永田 明,折田真紀子,高村昇:放射線看護 教育の構築に関する研究教育実践の考察から.日本放射線看護学会誌 7(1):11-15,2019
1. 中山貴文、鈴木啓司:カロリー制限による発がんリスクの低減と生物学的メカニズム. 放射線生物研究. 54 (2):70-87,2019


1. DMAT 隊員の放射線・原子力災害医療に対する意識調査.日本災害看護学会誌 21(1):134,2019

2. 原子力災害医療に求められる看護師のスキル向上を目指した教育プログラムの検討.日本災害看護学会誌21(1):119,2019

3. 大会長講演「つなぐ つむぐ おりなす 放射線看護学―すべての看護職者の学びの集積から―」.日本放射線看護学会誌 7(1):16-17、2019

4. 共同大学院の学びからおりなす放射線看護学―災害被ばく医療科学共同専攻修了生の将来へのビジョン―日本放射線看護学会誌 7(1):33-34、2019

5. 長崎原爆投下時における看護師宮崎トミホ氏の救護活動を振り返り、その偉大な功績を偲ぶ.日本放射線看護学会誌7(1):55-56、2019


A 欧文 A-a 1. Nishihara E, Tsugawa M, Ozaki Y, Nagayama Y, Fukata S, Hirokawa M, Ito M, Nishikawa M, Nakamura H, Ito Y, Miyauchi A: Long-term follow-up of a patient with sporadic non-autoimmune hyperthyroidism due to a thyrotropin receptor mutation (D619G). AACE Clin Case Rep 1: e85,2018.
2. Shimamura M, Shibusawa N, Kurashige T, Hiroki Matsuzaki, Nakashima M, Yamada M, Nagayama Y: Mouse models of sporadic thyroid cancer derived from BRAFV600E alone or in combination with PTEN haploinsufficiency under physiologic TSH levels. PLoS One 13 (8): e0201365, 2018. (IF: 2.766)
3. Shimamura M, Yamamoto K, Kurashige T, Nagayama Y: Intracellular redox status controls spherogenicity, an in vitro cancer stem cell marker, in thyroid cancer cell lines. Exp Cell Res 370 (2): 699-707, 2018.
4. Yamaguchi T, Orita M, Urata H, Shinkawa T, Taira Y, Takamura N: J Radiat Res 59 (2): 240-241, 2018.
A-b 1. Nagayama Y: Radiation Related Thyroid Autoimmunity and Dysfunction. J Radiat Res 59 (S2): ii98-ii107, 2018.
2. Nagayama Y. Review article: Thyroid autoimmunity and thyroid cancer ? the pathological connection: a 2018 update. Horm Metab Res 50 (12):922-931, 2018.

B 邦文 B-a
1. 山口拓允、新川哲子、佐藤奈菜、井手貴浩、大石景子、永富麻悟、浦田秀子、折田真紀子、平 良文享、高村 昇 : 被爆者健康講話参加者の経時的変化と背景因子の評価.長崎医学会雑誌 93(特 集号): 268-271, 2018.
B-b 1. 永山雄二:非自己免疫性甲状腺機能亢進症の基礎. 特集 2 非甲状腺機能亢進症.日本甲状腺学会雑誌.9 (2): 18-23, 2018.
2. 今村圭子、新川哲子、吉田浩二、永田明、浦田秀子:被爆者健康診断受診者の咬合力と他の因子との関連.看護科学研究 1 6(1): 26-32, 2018.
B-e 1. 浦田秀子: 放射線看護 -すべての看護職者が学ぶべきもの -. 日本放射線看護学会誌 6 (1): 1-2, 2018.
2. 浦田秀子、新川哲子、末永カツ子、山田智恵里、田中祐大、大石景子、南原摩利、高橋真菜: 放射線看護の専門職育成に向けて -長 崎 大 学・福 島 県 立 医 科 大 学 共 同 大 学 院「 災 害・被 ば く 医 療 科学共同専攻」における教育・研究.日本放射線看護学会誌 6 (1): 80-81, 2018.


1. Nagayama Y. TSH Receptor (Thyrotropin Receptor). Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. Elsevier. 10-Apr-2017 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.96039-2.
2. Shimamura M, Kurashige T, Mitsutake N, Nagayama Y. Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity plays no functional role in stem cell-like properties in anaplastic thyroid cancer cell lines. Endocrine. 55 (3): 934-943, 2017.
3. Kurashige T, Shimamura M, Nagayama Y. N-acetyl-L-cysteine protects thyroid cells against DNA damage induced by external and internal irradiation. Radiat Environ Biophys. 56 (4): 405-412, 2017.




1. Nagayama Y. Animal models of autoimmune thyroid disease. (In) Immunoendocrinology. Eisenbarth G (ed), in press, 2010.
1. Nagayama Y. TSH receptor (thyrotropin receptor). (In) The Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases. Martini L. (ed) Academic Press. Vol. 4, 632-635, 2004.
2. Nagayama Y. Gene Therapy for thyroid cancer. (In) Molecular Basis of Thyroid Cancer. Farid NR. (ed) Kluwar Academic Pub. 369-379, 2004.
1. Nagayama Y. The Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor. (In) Thyroid Eye Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. Dutton JJ and Haik BG (ed), 19-27, 2002.