Symposium : Late Health Effects from Radiation Knowledge gained from the 60 years experience in Japan

The Joint International Seminar of WHO/HQ and Nagasaki University
WHO Nagasaki University
Late Health Effects from Radiation
Knowledge gained from the 60 years experience in Japan

Abstract [pdf199kb]

Sponsored by WHO and Nagasaki University 21st COE Program

This Seminar reviewed the latest information on late radiation-induced effects in the survivors after 60 years the atomic bombing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Information gained from the long-term studies of these survivors has served as a cornerstone of our understanding of how radiation affects human health and is used as a reference point for modern radiation safe and protection. Most studies have been conducted at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), established with joint funding from Japan and the USA, and at Nagasaki and Hiroshima Universities.
In commemoration of this international seminar, Nagasaki University donated the cherry blossom trees to the WHO.


Date: September 9 (Friday), 2005
Venue: Executive Board Meeting Hall
WHO/HQ, Geneva, Switzerland

Session 1. Opening
Chair - Dr. M Repacholi (WHO) and Dr. T Kanematsu (Nagasaki University)
09:00 – 09:10 Welcome, WHO/HQ representative
Mr. DG Aitken
09:10 – 09:20 Greetings from Nagasaki University
President Dr. H Saito
09:20 – 09:30 Greetings from Nuclear Safety Commission
Dr. S Kusumi
09:30 – 09:50 Activities at the Atomic Bomb Survivors Health Care Commission
Dr. Y Sasaki (National Institute of Radiological Sciences)
09:50 – 10:00 Greetings from Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Dr. Okubo
10:00 – 10:30 Overview of different types of studies conducted at the RERF
Dr. B Bennett
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee
Session 2. Health Studies on Atomic Bomb Survivors
Chair - Dr. Y Shibata (Nagasaki University) and Dr. E Ron (NCI)
11:00 – 11:30 Late Effects in the Atomic Bomb Survivors
Dr. K Kodama (RERF)
11:30 – 12:00 Late Medical Effects of Atomic Bombs Still Persisting Over Sixty Years
Dr. M Tomonaga (Nagasaki University)
12:00 – 12:30 Cancer incidence in the Life Span Study of Atomic Bomb Survivors
Dr. E Ron (NCI)
12:30 – 13:00 Multiple Primary Cancers in Aged Survivors
Dr. M Nakashima (Nagasaki University)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
Session 3. WHO Programmes on Radiation and Health
Chair: - Dr. S Groth (WHO) and Dr. S Yamashita (WHO)
14.00 – 14:30 Key Radiation Projects at WHO
Dr. M Repacholi (WHO)
14.30 – 15:00 WHO Role and System of Preparedness and Response to Radiation Emergency
Dr. Z Carr (WHO)
15:00 – 15.30 Medical Diagnostic Radiological Programs
Dr. H Ostensen (WHO)
15:30 – 16:00 General Discussion
16:00 Close

Contact Information

Shunichi Yamashita, MD
Tel +41 22 791 4312,

Noboru Takamura, MD
Department of Public Health
Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Tel +81 95 849 7066